Monday, September 05, 2005

School again....

Yes that time of year has come around again. The time when kids between the ages of 5 and 18 dread the most. A time when a schedual is reinforced and backpacks begin to feel heavy. Yes it is now the beginning of the 2005/2006 school year!!

While examining this upcoming school year I came across a question that really put the year into perspective. Have you ever wondered what it is about shcool that makes it so unappealing? Granted all situations are different, but what is it about the word school that makes us cringe? After examining this myself, (I am starting my junior year of H.S. btw) I have found that the essence of my sour attitude towards school is mere laziness. At first that seemed rather shocking but the more I thought about it the more it made sense.

Because we are humans, we are sinful by nature. And the nature of most sins is selfishness. I don't want to start school because its not what "I" want to do. "I" don't want to have to get up in the morning and put my brain to work. Laziness as you can see, stems from the fact that I can't get my eye's off of me.

As a Christian this is one of the hardest things we deal with. So much of the time we don't want to share our faith with others because it is not convienent. We lack the big picture. Instead of trying to see things from God's perspective, we become so tunnled visioned that we miss out on what He wants to do in our lives. If we would only keep our eyes on Him and constatantly be in communication with Him, would we truly live life to the fullest.
There is a reason why God has me where I am. He wants to use me, but so often I keep Him from using me because I refuse to get my eyes off myself.

When you start to have that sour attitude about school ask yourself where those feelings are coming from and then ask God for His perspective.


Nick said...

I think what I am trying to say is, God wants to use us where we are but we can keep Him from using us personally. His will is going to get done with or without us but we miss out on the blessing if we choose not to be obedient. So is that being willing or predictable? Or is there a difference?

Nick said...

Yes I have to say that makes more sense. sorry camlost for taking so long to get back to you! But after reading and rereading I could see how your point of view made more sense. Jonah is a perfect example!