Saturday, November 10, 2007

I've decided it would be healthy for me to maintian my I will!! I forgot how much I enjoy blogging as an excercise to articulate my thoughts or just to let people know whats goin' on with me!

To the world of blogging without end! Amen.

Also, you can see me on mere orthodoxy! I've recently become an "intern" for them.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Monarchy vs. Democracy

“Lordship for many is no good thing. Let there be one ruler, one king…”
Iliad ~ Homer
Book II line 204-05

Until recently, democracy and monarchy have been nothing more than terms for good and bad government. Living in a democracy, I typically only hear of the evils of monarchy….but I wonder if there isn’t something good in monarchy that we miss in an overwhelmingly democratic world.

The stories (fairy tales and history) are all too fresh in my mind of the evil king or queen who tortured their people and forced unbearable living conditions upon them while they sat in their cushioned seats clothed in the most expensive material. Then characters such as Robin Hood, come on the scene and begin to help the poor by stealing from the rich and rallying together the people from the surrounding villages to fight back. However, it is interesting that they are not looking to replace the form of government…rather the person in power. Replace the evil king with a good king.

It seems a little risky on the part of Robin Hood (and people like him)….didn’t it cross their minds that such absolute power would more than likely corrupt whoever attains/receives it? What good was there to be had in monarchy that made it worth the risk?

Here’s what I have come up with so far….monarchy tends to work in extremes. It either produces such evil as can be imagined or it produces a utopia that a democracy could never possibly attain. Where democracy plays it safe by distributing power among all the people, monarchy says, “A virtuous man who rules righteously will bring about perfect peace in a kingdom….however, an evil and corrupt man will produce atrocities that were before unthinkable.” Confusion and frustration seem to preside over a democratic government…but it is exactly those two states of being which prohibit such evils as Auschwitz from becoming a reality. At the same time, they also prohibit peace and prosperity as was found during the reign of King Oswald (700 A.D.) and Richard the Lion Heart.

I’m not sure if reinstating a monarchy would be the best thing to do at this point in time in history. I know England still prides themselves on maintaining one…but even then the country is mostly run by the Prime Minister and a Parliament. It would be too much of a shock (especially for America) to demolish democracy and replace it with a monarchy. The very reason the pilgrims left England was to escape the government (and I think some of those hard feelings still linger among the American culture).

Is Homer right then? For the Kingdom of Christ which is to come…yes! However, until that time I think a democratic society is ultimately the safer and more effective way by which people ought to be governed.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


I've rediscovered a form of poetry that I enjoy writing! They are fairly simple...but I needed something to get me started. So here are few of them I have written (they are meant to be read on their own)!

Music sweet as love
Dominates the mind and soul
Makes beauty for ears.

Incarnate the sound
As waves twirl in the deep sea
Forever unbound.

A squirell at the door
Scratches and sniffs the pavement
Then leaves in a flash.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July to all my American friends!

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Apparently the game "Tag" is not physically confined to the has been carried over into the blogosphere! Over at the blog of Emily Ask, I have been recently tagged....and now I must list seven things that perhaps my readers do not know about me.

Where to begin....

1. I have hiked over seventy miles through the sierras and climbed Mt. Whitney all in one week.

2. I am an Eagle Scout

3. I like coffee more than tea (although earl grey and the english breakfast tea make for a good alternative sometimes)

4. I have already been sunburned THREE times this summer! (time to pull out the sunscreen!)

5. I love to read books, however, I often find myself torn between several books at a time because I want to read them all.

6. I lead worship for the high school group at my church a couple times a month.

7. And last but not least, I am far to competitive for my own good!

There! I'm glad confessionals are over! :~) It is now my perogative to tag others *begins to bask in such awesome power*. Alishia, Crystal, and Pat!

(this feels so childish and yet somewhat theraputic.....)

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The progression of life: Assimilating into the grown-up world

UGH! I am so behind in writing blogs and reading them! My most sincere apologies go out to those who continue to check my blog for new posts and are continually let down! It is amazing how one week of holiday will throw you off!

However, let not my absence make you think that my mind has been idle...far from it! I have been thinking about a lot of things lately and thought I would point out one observation that has been affecting me personally. That is (and everybody 18 and older can relate) growing up.

It is odd, as an 18 year old, to be working part time for the city with MEN who are old enough to be my father and yet treat me as a fellow employee. Up until now, men who worked full time always seemed so much more mature and "adult" like; people who I depend on but not relate too. Now I am making my way into the ranks of such men and soon little kids will be looking to me in the same way!!

I have, for most of my life, been one who resonates most deeply with Peter Pan. Growing up was never a reality that I looked forward too. I remember times as a little kid, having meltdowns about the over looming fact of having to grow up someday. It was a most frightful thought. However, as I continue into adulthood, I find that God truly is merciful. He allows for a time of adjustment as well as loving parents who help me out along the way. I think he knew that if the change was going to be abrupt I would die!

I am also finding that a proper understanding of one's identity is very important during this time of assimilation. However, I will save that topic for another post!

Perhaps my readers (assuming I still have some!) have more insight into the whole growing up process?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Dr. JP Moreland has recently written a new book called The Kingdom Triangle. I have not read it yet but I have heard some very good reviews since its release. Here is a link to Dr. J.P. Moreland giving a sermon at his church, talking about his new book. Dr. Moreland himself calls it, "the most important book I have ever written." He presents some seemingly practical and yet very difficult ideas. After hearing his sermon, I am even more eager to read it for myself!

For a more in depth review check out this blog.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Music and Me Part II

To conclude this mini two part series, I thought I would share some of what I have learned from not listening to music.

At work, I work alone. As far as I can tell, nobody supervises me (except for when they come to check my work when I am not there) and therefore have quite a lot of time to myself. A couple of months ago, when I first heard about what my job would entail, I immediately thanked God for the invention of the Ipod! The first couple of weeks I did the cool teenage thing....I stuck headphones in my ears and listened to music throughout the work day. However, I soon became bored with the same ol' tunes over and over again and thought, "Certainly, I would benefit from books on tape!" And so I did. I listened to Paradise Lost, The Hobbit, Shakespeare, Of Mice and Men etc.

However, during this time, I had been talking with some friends about some of the trends of our culture; one of them was how we seclude ourselves from reality and from other people through recent technology. This of course brought up Ipods and the constant distraction they offer from ourselves and from other people. The observation finally hit home that day I was in the book store and the kid in front of me never removed his headphones as he paid for his item.

The next day at work I decided to leave the ipod in the car and venture to hang out with God and myself.

I suddenly became aware (in the strictest since of the word) of my thoughts and how they roam. They roamed not only amongst themselves but through my emotions and feelings untamed. I could not maintain any continuous thought pattern much less pray. It felt as if I were following a toddler around telling him, "don't touch that!" or "put that down!" My sanity seemed to be fleeting as I desperately tried to maintain control! What appeared to be my identity became more and more ambiguous.

Of course, it was during this time that I asked myself, "Why?" Why should I continue to put myself through this? Isn't music a good thing? Why should I deprive myself of it?

To start with the second question; music is a good thing. It is so good in fact that even Plato considered it to be one of the highest forms of art. When somebody plays a piano piece, they must pour into it their knowledge of theory as well as their passions/emotions. Their head (the knowledge) must be just as proactive in the process of creating the music as their heart (the passions). The result is a manifestation of some of the deepest human experiences one can offer. In so doing, music does affect/influence its listener in some way or another. However, music has turned into such an outlet for emotion that artists no longer have to know the structure of scales and chord patterns but merely need to have strong emotions. Because of this, music that is creative and requires both thought and feeling has been diminishing. It is by no means extinct but stereotypically one mostly meets elderly people at the community opera house. To allow music only to affect your emotions is BAD, because a lot of music has bad emotions! Thus to only allow music entrance into your emotions, can result in a fake perception of the song itself and reality (i.e. Love).

On the other hand (the hand I tend to be guilty of), is to over analyze the music to the point that it has no affect on your emotions at all. Suddenly it becomes a thought project instead of an experience. Certainly I am keeping myself safe from the pitfalls of being overly emotional but now it has become detrimental. I become entirely separate from the music itself and I am incapable of experiencing the part of reality the composer is relaying. Although I may understand the mechanics of the music and perhaps the message the music is relaying; I cannot come to understand it holistically. What do I mean by that? Well, for example; there is a difference between understanding who a person is on paper (i.e. eye color, hair color, likes and dislikes etc.) and knowing the person. There is a distinct personality within each person that cannot be extracted through the analysis of their chemical make up. In the same way, music cannot be known solely through intellectual endeavors but also through experience of the music itself.

Whew! Glad I got that off my chest! However, you might be wondering what this has to do with refusing to listen to music for the past month or so. And rightly do you wonder! My answer is this; that through the constant noise we surround ourselves we become too much head or heart. We are so fragmented, that when we are finally forced to put together both our intellect and our passions it appears to be nearly impossible. However, if we continue to live as if we were one or the other the manifestation (our hands) results in an unprofitable and dissatisfying life.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Saturday, April 28, 2007

For those who can't wait!!

Spiderman 3 is coming out next Friday! (not Saturday)

I have some pretty high expectations for this third installment of Spiderman. I must confess however, that I was not entirely thrilled with the first two movies.... but they seem to be getting progressively better. I am hoping this trend will continue. And from some of the trailers I've seen, it promises to be a good one!! Check out this exclusive trailer and let me know what you think!