Saturday, May 19, 2007

Dr. JP Moreland has recently written a new book called The Kingdom Triangle. I have not read it yet but I have heard some very good reviews since its release. Here is a link to Dr. J.P. Moreland giving a sermon at his church, talking about his new book. Dr. Moreland himself calls it, "the most important book I have ever written." He presents some seemingly practical and yet very difficult ideas. After hearing his sermon, I am even more eager to read it for myself!

For a more in depth review check out this blog.


Camlost said...

Wow! I finally had the chance to listen through the whole thing and I really look forward to reading the book!

The more that I read his writings and hear him speak, the more I think that my past difficulties with J.P. Moreland's manner (you know the kind!) are my own problem and are a result of personality differences, or perhaps (*cringes*) personality similarities.

J.P. Moreland seems to me to be thoroughly and holistically Christian. It was refreshing.
Thanks for the recommendation!

Brit said...

J.P. is speaking on this very topic at Rock Harbor this weekend! You're welcome to come with me and check it out!