I ran accross this article http://movies.msn.com/movies/cannes06/davincicode_critics and figured it would be this huge promotion for the coming of, "The Da Vinci Code" movie...however, it was a completely bashing the movie, which was just recently released to the press. The reviewers called it a "stodgy, grim thing..." One of the reviewers recounted what it was like during the movie, "Sitting through all the verbose explanations and speculations about symbols, codes, secret cults, religious history and covert messages in art, it is impossible to believe that, had the novel never existed, such a script would ever have been considered by a Hollywood studio!". That certainly isn't the reaction Ron Howard was expecting! I am doubtfull however, about the lack of success this movie will still have. The fans of the book will remain faithfull and buy their tickets to see the movie regardless.
The end of the article kind of goes down hill when it starts talking about the news conference....but nonetheless it was not a good plug for the movie. :~)
I'll stop there and let you read the article for yourself.
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Isn't that interesting? I heard that too. Hmmm... maybe this will make Hollywood wake up and realize they don't know it all?
And maybe they'll also realize that lies (fictional or not) don't make for good story lines!! :~P
Exactly.... *rolls eyes*
It's funny, I saw a group of Christians picketing at the theatre the other day, but I heard that it was pretty much a flop on its own. I still want to read the book to find out what all the fuss is about and see what all the hype says about the culture of our day. It is hard to motivate myself when there are so many great books I haven’t read yet, to pick up something that I don’t want to read but only to *have read*. Urgh…
By the way, since we had to get out of there so quickly today, I didn't really get a chance to say it, but congratulations! I had no idea there was such a small number of people who actually become an Eagle Scout. That gives you even more reason to be proud!
(Hmmm... now that I think about it, I think I probably helped the related statistic for girl scouts. Because I was a Brownie in 1st grade... and then just quit ;))
Anyway, tell Trev congrats for me too!
Thanks!! Its not suprising the small amount that actually earn the rank....there were several times when I wanted to quit because so much work is required and i had a bunch of other things going. But now that it is over I am soooooo relieved. Thanks for coming to the ceremony!
Now that I know that you own the book you better read it!! And when your done with it let me borrow it!! :~P I want to know what all the fuss is about as well. Then maybe I can blog about it a little more accurately!!
But I know what you mean...why read something that fails tremendously in comparison to so many other GREAT books!! So much to read so little time.... :~)
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