Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Its all the same

Something that has really become more obvious lately is the fact that sin is all the same.

As fallen human beings we have created different degrees of sin. God however, does not see sin in different degrees. It doesn't matter whether or not you told a little white lie, or committed adultery. Either one will keep you out of heaven, and nothing you can do will clear your plate.

I need God just as much as the next person. That next person could be a murderer and I may have stolen something minor. Because I did not physically murdered someone, my circumstances may not seem as extreme as his, but my condition is the same. The fact that I have sinned is going to keep me out of heaven. It doesn't matter how I sinned, the realization is I sinned and there is no getting around it! God's grace is needed in both situations.

May God continually bring to realization my need for Him and His ever abundant grace and mercy.

1 comment:

Camlost said...

What a fundamental understanding. It's interesting how we can go on like there’s these levels of sins as long as we think we’re higher on the ladder; all that comes to rot when we realize the depth of our own personal sin. AMEN BROTHA’