Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I was reading a blog a couple of days ago about whether or not it was ok for a Christian to cuss. I'm not going to go into detail about it, however, I was kind of caught off guard when one of the guys posting said that it was to pharasitical to say that a Christian is not allowed to cuss.

He made mention that Christians have become oblivious to the fact that we are now the modern day pharisees. We have become so worried about the outside of our cup rather than the inside. In a sense I agree with him, not about the fact that it is alright for a Christian to cuss, but because so many Christians today have become blinded by their own hypocrisy.

We want people to feel comfortable around us even though we have the label "Christian". However, it has made us willing to compromise our beliefs in order to achieve that objective. The leading religious leaders of that day were not comfortable around Jesus. Why? Because He cared about up-holding His Father's truths in His own personal life which in turn relfected on His public life. Christ said, "Out of the heart your mouth will speak." Not everyone was/is comfortable with an absolute truth

The majority of the church today has turned into a lip service for Christ. We preach one thing but live another. Thus causing the non-believers to label us as judgemental, or legalistic. Legalistic because when it comes to pointing out others faults we leave no room for grace.

Aw grace, the magic word!! How sweet the sound!! God has shown us grace beyond anything we could have even hoped for! It is through grace that we are saved and nothing else we could've done would have been enough to get us into heaven. God gave us true grace that we might simulate it towards our fellow men and women. That we might instead of looking at a sinner in disdain rather look past the sin and see the lost soul that needs a friend. No matter how rough the outter shell of a person might be, grace is strong enough to tear down the barriers and allow sinners to have communion with our creator!

So often we forget about grace and become so hyperfocused on the law and our good works that we forget what an incredible gift that was given to us. Given to us not to be locked up and stored away, but that it might be shared with others. However, this period of grace will not last forever. There will be a day of judgement when God will judge those who did not accept His free gift, and for those who took His gift for granit.

Christ is once again the perfect example for us to follow regarding this issue. He knew when it was time to show grace and when it was appropriate to pass judgement. Thanks be to God who has shown both grace and mercy on a soul as sinful as mine.

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