Saturday, January 20, 2007

Life Lesson

As of the past couple of months, we have had the ping pong table up in our garage. During these intense finger nail biting, keeps you on the edge of your seat, matches, I have learned some life lessons!

Lesson 1: Always expect the unexpected.
Ping pong application: Beware of your hand eye coordination becoming temporarily impaired. Some of the best excuses that can be used are: "there is an odd glare on the table," "the lighting is to dim," "my eyes are fuzzy." (etc.)

Lesson 2: Always be relaxed. Tensing up or becoming frustrated only makes situations worse.
Ping pong application: While playing war pong don't tense up. Tensing up makes the pain of the ball striking your stomach slightly more intense. If you remain relaxed, the strike is able to distribute more evenly throughout the gut area thus relieving the sharp stinging sensation.

Lesson 3: Better to be safe than sorry!
Ping pong application: Always place the paddle over your face when playing war pong. Even if your opponent is striking your back. When playing in an enclosed area, with walls a maximum of 9 feet away, chances are the ball will ricochet off the wall and hit you in the face with the same amount of velocity!

Lesson 4: Always better to have the best gear.
Ping pong application: One's paddle is the key to his/her game. Often times having a better paddle can make or break your performance.


Brit said...

hahahahahahahaha wow.

and there really isn't much else that can be said about that ;)

Nick said...

Lol! We were all playing last night and I started know, there is something to be said for the things I've learned from this game. Why not share them? :~)

Emily said...

That is way awesome! I never knew a ping pong game could contain such profundity.