Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I'm still alive!

This is just to let you all know that I am still in the process of coming up with another blog! And to say that I have not forgotten about blogging! In the meantime however, if you wish to see the epidemy of self-esteem and what it can do to a person I would suggest watching "American Idol"!! Just for laughs! :~)


Camlost said...

Glad to hear...I was getting a little worried there for a second. :~p
Ya, I’ve had about as much self esteem excrement as I can handle in a week, thank you though (although you’re right, that show was hilarious :-).
What’s most frustrating to me about this whole “self esteem” thing though is that I continue to ascribe to the heresy!!!
Grrrrrrrr……I’m SO complacent as to sicken myself if I didn’t like me so much.
Well, enjoy the show. I’ll be here musing over the reality that I’m an un-special, mediocre, ciompi who is disconnected from my own reality.
(Sorry, I’ve been listening to Reynolds all day and I’m feeling a little convicted :~)

Nick said...


Micah said...

Hey Nick!
I'm so glad to see a little of whom you've become and what you think about. I am very thankful our God has given you strong faith and wisdom for others. Your "obedience" blog made me think about the author John Piper. Do you read him? You should. He talks about Christian Hedonism. "Desiring God" is the one I'm thinking about. Its back from the college days. All of his stuff is good, though.--Emily

Nick said...

I have heard of John Piper but am not familiar with any of his stuff... I'll have to look into that!! Some many books so little time!!!! :~)

Dalynn said...

Yes,That show can be funny watching people who can't sing,but sometimes, I have to admit it does get annoying.
