Wednesday, January 18, 2006

"In my beginning is my end"

Lately I have been seriously dwelling on the concept of time.... why? I really cannot say. It is this force of reality that as of late made itself known to me (or I to it..). It is this idea that is taken lightly or subconsciously. However, by it we live and breathe!!

Time; it is this constant motion that never fails to stop. Day end and day out it never ceases. But keeps the same pace never slowing and never accelerating. By it we see everything yet cannot see the thing itself. By it we love, and rejoice! By it we grow and learn and by it we are destroyed. Not just physically but mentally and spiritually as well. We become frustrated by it yet cannot imagine a life without it. It is this very thing that we often wish away which leads to our death.

Every moment passing without warning. The present is nothing more than a memory. In the past, present and future are held. Only by our memory do we recall the present which ultimately is the past. For one to be conscious of the present is to be outside time. Thus "to be conscious is not to be in time" -T.S. Elliot. If one were to be outside time he would no longer remember or predict but just simply KNOW.
There is a frustration that I believe all of us have, whether conscious of it or not. It is the frustration of never being able to grasp the present. Never being able to hold on to a moment except by memory. "Words after speech, reach into the silence." -T.S. Elliot (alright so I have little obsession with his writings right now! More specifically "The Four Quartets":~). Speech, music, thought, and reading all take time! And all, after a little while reach into the silence only to echo in your mind.

I hope this made some sense.... thoughts such as these tend circle around inside my head more often than not and need to be organized somewhere (whether or not they come across understandable!). Truly, time is an amazing thing.


Camlost said...
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Camlost said...


“At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;
Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is,
But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity,
Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards,
Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.” – T.S. Eliot

I have never before fathomed stillness without fixity. It’s as if I’ve spent all of my life so far, examining a windowpane; I know every mark and smudge, every indentation and scratch and at the end of the day when I’ve seen every angle of my three dimensional world, I’m tapped on the shoulder and told to look through. My knowledge is no longer only “limited”, but truly insignificant. It’s as if I’ve been examining all of the wrong things, and comforting myself with the extent of my knowledge.
In a sense, my eyes have been crossed and though now I’m confused as all get out, I think this inside-out world I’m seeing, may be the reality that I’ve only heard of.

In short…yes you made sense.

Micah said...

Uh, why didn't you tell you're old 2nd or 3rd or whatever-we-are cousins that you had a blog sooner? Now I have to go back and read all the stuff you've written!
Micah & Emily

Nick said...

Sorry about that!! I'm still pretty new to this whole blogoshpere...I'm now trying (key word there) to build a "fan base". :~) Thanks for dropping by!!!!!!

Nick said...

Hi Desiree Rene! Thanks for the post!!

Hey just out of did you come across my blog??

Nick said...

Scratch that last question Desiree...camlost informed me! :~) Thanks for stopping by!!