He has been convicted of tax fraud and found guilty for 58 various tax related laws. Currently he is being held by the Escambia County Sheriff's Office until his final sentencing. Apparently he could serve a max of 288 years in federal prison. His wife was also found convicted for not reporting to the bank certain payments. However, she is free pending on what the final sentencing outcome is.
All of the evolutionists are probably having a field day with this news. I can only hope the media will keep this on the down low...so far so good.
Personally I'm not sure how I feel about the sentencing. Especially when I hear stories about how a 19 year old kid faces a mere 10-14 years in prison for killing a 12 year old girl while driving drunk. His blood alcohol was .10, the legal limit being .08! Not to mention he isn't even legal to be drinking alcohol! When I compare this with the sentencing of Dr. Hovind, I can't help but feel a slight unfairness. Maybe I'm missing something.....
Anyway, check out the story and let me know what ya think!http://www.pensacolanewsjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061103/NEWS01/611030338/1006
What you are missing is the ability to think for yourself. Kent Hovind has lied about evolution and lied about taxes.
It is unlikely will get the + 200 years, probably several years in jail or maybe time served.
Your comparsion to drunk driving is absurd. Such cases can vary, if the suspect pleads guilty, they will get a lighter sentence. With Kent Hovind, he plead not guilty and no defence was presented and in three hours, jurors convicted him.
You are probably right about the thinking part...in regards to Kent Hovind anyway. It has been a long time since I had read or heard anything about Dr. Hovind up until recently. And now that I am older and remembering some of what he said, I have found that I don't entirely agree with him about everything, as I did when I was 10.
Concerning the issue about the drunk driving comparison, I think the problem might be in our difference of opinions/definitions of justice. Perhaps that would be worth discussing?
In any case, I will not pretend to be able to defend most of the claims made by Dr. Hovind. What makes this even more interesting is I agree with his arrest. Certainly evading taxes is a crime and should be punished. However, my issue lies with the expected consequence and how that is proof of some cultural views we hold today. Views that I do not necessarily agree with.
It seems that your eagerness to debate with people, who agree with Dr. Hovind, is merely a way in which you hope to prove evolution as true. Not because you think his sentencing was just but because you flat out don't like the guy (the basis of which you have good reasons for). After rereading my blog, I see that I had done the same thing. Perhaps this is turning the topic into something it is not?
Thanks for the post! I hope we can continue this dialogue!
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