Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas season

I find myself to be very cynical about the Christmas season at times....mostly because of how the media has created it into one big gigantic commercial, forcing upon the culture product after product hoping to make one more almighty dollar. I've always been drawn to the Charlie Brown type Christmas. One that doesn't require a perfect looking Christmas tree made out of metal, or the competition of the best decorated house.

No I would prefer to have the only real tree in the Christmas Tree lot...even if it is drooping and not up to par with the other trees. I also think I would prefer to have the only house in the neighborhood who either used the old fashioned different colored lights or no lights at all.
However, as a side note, I will say that the one thing I do enjoy about this Christmas commercialism is the holiday coffee's!! The egg nog latte and ginger bread latte are both muy bueno!

Cindy Lou Who asked an excellent question regarding the hustle and bustle of Christmas. She asked, "Isn't all of this Christmas shopping a bit...superfluous?". It may be that it is...and it may not be. Perhaps I am to much of a simpleton? However, something appears to be lost in all of it. People are reduced to obstacles (far more than usual) and relationships are measured by the amount of money spent on a gift. Even the Nativity scene is used as a sort of appeasement rather than a heart warming remembrance.

In that light, everything does seem to be a bit superfluous....however, (to venture and become the optimist now! :~) this season is a time where relationships often are mended and families brought back together. All for the sake of recognizing a holiday which celebrates the birth of our Lord. Perhaps the best thing we can do is gather around the Christmas tree and sing, "Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn king!"

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