Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dr. Reynolds at it again!

Dr. Reynolds of the Torrey Honors Institute (THI) has been blogging a rebuttal against author Cornel West. Cornel West is a Professor of Religion and African American Studies at Princeton University. He is known for weaving the traditional Baptist church with transcendentalism and socialism (sounds like one big paradox to me...).

Anyway, Dr. Reynolds has just finished a five part series in defense of constantianism and the religious right. His last blog I found to be the most compelling. He talks about the need for education as a means to stand up for what is right. Unlike Cornel West, we need to not empower the young hip-hop artists of today but educate them. However, Dr. Reynolds points out, that a "conservative" retreat from education and listening to the many will pose the same problem. A problem that Mozart saw and displayed in his Opera, Don Giovanni. The problem being a failure to act.
Go check it out yourself and let me know what you think!

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